Chapter 183: Undead Friends
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Conquering OtherWorld Starts With a Game Chapter 183: Undead Friends (Teaser)

No one could say for certain when the slums appeared outside the west gate, but it was a known fact that the slum had been expanding toward the south gate. Buildings were older and more dilapidated the closer it was to the west gate, while it was the opposite toward the south.

Johan and his father were born in the slum. When Johan was young, his grandfather, who was still alive then, told him that his own mother, Johan's great-grandmother, had been among the earliest dwellers of the slum.

Johan's great-grandfather was once a self-sustaining farmer in Kain Town. When nobles started buying their lands at high prices and building farms, Johan's great-grandfather, tired of farming, sold the land and took his family to seek a living in the city of Indahl.

Johan's grandfather had been a citizen of Indahl in his younger days. Johan's great-grandfather used the money from selling the land to buy a house in the city and found a decent job. These were the good memories his grandfather always reminisced about and repeatedly told young Johan abou