Chapter 182: Forces Arrive
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Conquering OtherWorld Starts With a Game Chapter 182: Forces Arrive

December 4, 8 p.m., Earth time.

In OtherWorld time, it was three in the afternoon.

Charlie Rex led a contingent composed mainly of 120 Sokri mercenaries, supplemented by a dozen Weisshem Town Hall staff, 200 security squad personnel, and several orc volunteers. On arriving at Indahl's west gate, he immediately received the first batch of "prisoners of war" delivered by the undead.

Facing this group of half-naked men who began crying and begging for mercy at the sight of living beings, Rex couldn't even muster an expression. He maintained a facade of calm as he took the prisoners in and, as usual, disseminated the territory prestige and copper coins desired by the undead as rewards; without such incentives, these undead could be quite terrifying.

"Have they already started the fighting?" a baffled Mercenary Captain Kenn asked while glancing at the thirteen sturdy lizard horses brought along with the prisoners.

Those half-naked men didn't look like ordinary folk (it's rare to see anyone so well-fed among commoners), but Kenn was skeptical that these bunch were proper soldiers… The lizard horses couldn't be faked; this special military-use breed, with monster blood in their veins, wasn't something ordinary like horned horses. They were clearly mounts that even middle-class families in the city could hardly afford.

Local guide Wagner stood silently for a while, watching Rex assign the undead with tasks to set up camp and sending the chattering bunch off before he spoke up hesitantly, "The city's defense force's smallest combat unit consists of 50 cavalrymen, and they cannot leave camp without orders."

"Of course, these guys couldn't possibly be from the city defense force," Kenn dismissed. "Private soldiers, then?"

It was common for nobles to maintain family knights and private soldiers that usually possessed a certain level of combat effectiveness.

However, most nobles, if lacking a strong family head or having enjoyed too long a period of peace, would see their private soldiers become the first to deteriorate—it was

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Special thanks to Tetra editing
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Checkout my other novels:

I'm Really Not The Demon God's Lackey
The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin