Chapter 181: Old Tool Players
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Conquering OtherWorld Starts With a Game Chapter 181: Old Tool Players

Peaceful and quiet Exile Town.

Undead, who had just come online and had yet to receive the battlefield missions, grumbled about the mentor NPCs having all disappeared as they frolicked around the town.

The women from Camore had already grown accustomed to the noise created by the undead and went about their tasks; occasionally, when an undead approached them gesturing, the women would take out their needles and threads with seasoned ease, trading their skills for some sugar cubes.

In front of the vacant land behind the Undead Merchant Association headquarters and canteen, two undead wearing beginner cotton T-shirts and shorts were squatting in an experimental field, meticulously checking the germination status of the sown seeds with a small hoe.

"Case solved. It's not the soil or water; it's the seeds." Master Liu grimaced as he swept away the moist soil, revealing a rotten seed. "Seeds from Earth just won't sprout here, none of them do."

"Yeah, only native crops can be grown here. Look how well these wild garlic and onions are doing," Old Geng said dejectedly, glancing at the lush new shoots in the other half of the experimental field. "Native crops can grow, but foreign species can't. This world that has mages isn't that simple…"

"Let's suggest the task force to bring in a few technical specialists to study the agricultural situation here," Master Liu said, dusting off the dirt on his fingers. "I heard from Xiao Ji that in Weisshem, farmers work hard all year round and barely harvest 100 to 150 kilograms per acre. They don't even make 500 kilograms of corn and rely on potatoes to fill their stomachs for at least half the year. Life there is tough!"

"Helmets are an issue." Old Geng shook his head. "The young patient Gong that's under Xiao Lu's care regained consciousness and now everyone with patients in vegetative states wants to send them to the research institute. Setting eyes on those targets now is sure to cause outrage."

By now, the national team had long discovered the secret of the helmets—the more days pe

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Novel Notes

Special thanks to Tetra editing
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Checkout my other novels:

I'm Really Not The Demon God's Lackey
The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin