Chapter 180: Battle For The City (2)
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Conquering OtherWorld Starts With a Game Chapter 180: Battle For The City (2)

An Earth person with above-average physical fitness and loads of systematic training could run three kilometers in 7 minutes and 20 seconds (world record for men's 3 km).

Players, though, were far from standard physical fitness; in fact, the physical strength of most players' might not even match that of a robust farmwife. However, the skeletal characters controlled by the players weren't bound by physical or stamina limitations of this world.

With 60% less body weight than a normal person and ignoring the physical and stamina consumption during movement, players controlling skeletal frames could easily surpass the long-distance running limits of world champions, completing three kilometers in under five minutes.

Moreover, their endurance was terrifyingly high. As long as the player didn't get bored and switch to doing something else or was forcibly logged out due to unforeseen circumstances, they could indeed literally run forever without tiring…

In other words, trying to shake off players by riding horses was simply impossible.

The horsemen, who were over two kilometers away from the undead when they made an about-face, frantically spurred their horses into a gallop, only to hear the "clacking" footfall of the undead getting closer by the second, scaring them witless.

"Isn't the start of the war supposed to be tomorrow? Why are there undead today?!"

"I don't know! It was still safe when we left the city this morning!"

"We shouldn't have come out hunting at a time like this!"

"Cut the crap and think of something!"

This group of horsemen returning from the south rode military-grade lizard horses, with swords and bows hanging from their waists. Their attire was quite casual, some in barefoot riding boots, some with their shirt buttons undone, with even their finely made waistcoats and wool coats carelessly stuffed into the saddlebags.

Such attire would be deemed shabby if worn by the destitute in public, but for these young masters who lived a carefree life, it was considered stylish… Of course, that's under the ass

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Novel Notes

Special thanks to Tetra editing
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Checkout my other novels:

I'm Really Not The Demon God's Lackey
The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin