Chapter 179: Battle For The City (1)
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Conquering OtherWorld Starts With a Game Chapter 179: Battle For The City (1)

Two days (OtherWorld time) prior, Charlie Rex's declaration of war was delivered to the Bartalis residence.

This declaration, beyond formally challenging the Bartalises for the dominion of Indahl, came with an additional, considerate suggestion—

Should the Bartalises opt for surrender and peacefully cede Indahl, Charlie Rex assured a generous grace period for the Bartalises to liquidate their estates and depart with dignity, never to return.

Upon reading it, Adra III slammed the table in fury. How was this any different from exile in disguise?!

Offering time for asset liquidation without safeguarding from plunder was tantamount to inviting robbers right to his doorstep!

These terms weren't exactly unacceptable to Adra III. The incensed Viscount Bartalis commanded his steward, Gould, to hasten asset transfer while urgently convening the city's nobility, demanding a muster of private armies to face this external threat.

Despite raised eyebrows, the nobility didn't object to this final edict from Adra III; even the vacillating Viscount Darcy summoned his men from his estates…

Each noble, driven by their own agendas, was loath to fight for the Bartalises. Yet, they knew well the importance of demonstrating their might during Charlie Rex's ascension: to instill a wary respect in the ambitious upstart. After all, this was a man who dared to detain a count's nephew for ransom. To appear weak before such an unscrupulous character was to invite untold audacity.

Thus, the local nobles of Indahl busied themselves with uneasy preparations for two days until the undead legion of Weisshem arrive.

December 4, Wednesday, 7 p.m., Earth time.

After a frantic hour-and-a-half (game time) sprint… players of the vanguard, who had long separated from the NPC contingent accompanying them, saw Indahl's formidable west gate and seemingly endless walls in the distance.

"Whoa! We didn't get the chance to see previously, but was Indahl this grand?" Jia Lou, who managed to come online right in time for the pre-battle quest, grabbed her friend a

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Novel Notes

Special thanks to Tetra editing
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Checkout my other novels:

I'm Really Not The Demon God's Lackey
The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin