Chapter 178.2: Feed Mill
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Conquering OtherWorld Starts With a Game Chapter 178.2: Feed Mill

Elsewhere, Viscount Darcy's granddaughter, Gina Darcy, was sitting quietly in an inn on Weisshem's main street, awaiting an audience with Charles Rex.

At an age full of curiosity, Gina might have explored unfamiliar streets elsewhere, but Weisshem was too intimidating a place for such ventures.

It wasn't just her. The accompanying steward, maids, and coachmen didn't dare venture out of the inn, and all just stayed put.

The reason was simple. The unsettling sight of skeletal undead casually passing by on the streets was too much for those unaccustomed to such sights.

After three days confined in the cramped inn, Young Miss Gina finally received word that Charlie Rex would see her.

In the town hall's reception room, Young Miss Gina met… Charlie Rex, whose tanned skin and closely cropped hair bore no resemblance to the rumors about him.

Staring at the young man who contradicted the image of "Charlie Rex" she'd heard about, Gina was speechless for a full thirty seconds.

"It's a pleasure to have you visit Weisshem, Miss Gina," Rex said, his demeanor polite and friendly. "I'm sorry, but I cannot accept the gifts from Viscount Darcy. Please convey my apologies to your grandfather."

With that curt rejection, the busy Rex hurried away.

Young Miss Gina sat dumbfounded as the accompanying steward, unwilling to give up, chased after Rex only to stop at the sight of him conversing with two undead in the corridor. Returning with a look of indignation, the steward exclaimed, "This man is so rude! What do we do now, Miss Gina?"

Gina stiffly shook her head, remaining unmoving.

Being rejected was something Miss Gina had considered; she knew her appearance wasn't particularly charming.

And from Charlie Rex's reaction (if he indeed was Charles Rex), it seemed he had little interest in marrying into Indahl nobility.

Gina Darcy, often overlooked within the Darcy family, was no naive girl. Growing up in a noble household, only the foolish lacked the acumen for strategic marriages.

"It appears Grandfather's hopes might be da

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Novel Notes

Special thanks to Tetra editing
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Checkout my other novels:

I'm Really Not The Demon God's Lackey
The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin