Chapter 119.1: Wagner Nearly Collapsing
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Conquering OtherWorld Starts With a Game Chapter 119.1: Wagner Nearly Collapsing

Before Yang Qiu returned to Earth, Wagner was still having his men affix their thumbprints on the contract.

When Mia stepped out of the hall in a rush, she noticed that there were increasingly more undead in the town hall courtyard, which surprised her quite a bit.

Within Weisshem, she could be considered an "elder" of the "Taranthan faction." Besides Mr. Rex, Hal, and the others, she was probably the most familiar with the Taranthan undead and understood them best.

In Mia's eyes, the Taranthan undead weren't repulsive and, in fact, were comforting to her.

They were the fairest creatures she had ever encountered. Even when they asked her for help with sewing clothes, these undead would pay her with sugar cubes.

They were also the most just beings she had ever known. Her colleagues could stand confidently in the light of day because the undead had destroyed the old order in Weisshem.

"The last time the undead appeared here in large numbers, Mr. Pitt and the others were captured. Have enemies come to Weisshem again?" Mia thought to herself as she flashed a friendly smile at the undead "looking" at her.

She was not the slightest bit afraid of these undead. Mia firmly believed that these undead were fighting to protect civilians like her.

"Our Exile Town NPCs are still the most thoughtful, unlike the NPCs here that are cold and unfriendly." The players waved cheerfully at Mia.

During the second expedition quests, players had confirmed that human civilian NPCs would not give out quests (many players had criticized the previous quest announcement as false). So, no one bothered Mia or the other male and female clerks who were identified as civilians by Identify.

Mia seemed to gain strength from the friendly responses of the undead. She left the town hall, lifted the hems of her skirt, and rushed toward the town's main street.

Once Hal and his former bandit brothers were done with their business at the militia headquarters, they returned to their posts on the main street of the town. Due to the sudden departure

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Novel Notes

Special thanks to Tetra editing
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Checkout my other novels:

I'm Really Not The Demon God's Lackey
The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin