Chapter 118: Control Production Costs
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Conquering OtherWorld Starts With a Game Chapter 118: Control Production Costs

Wagner's face soured as he saw the throng of nearly two hundred undead in the large town hall courtyard.

He was well aware of the combat capabilities of these undead: slightly stronger than burly farmhands armed with pitchforks and of a similar standard to henchmen in a bandit gang.

However, their resilience to pain, indifference to death, and unwavering determination—qualities not even elite forces possessed—made them truly formidable.

Wagner and his men's current status was prisoners with no liberty to refuse. Taking a deep breath, the seasoned knight led his men into the courtyard.

Their attire seemed to serve its purpose, as the undead not only displayed zero hostility toward them but also voluntarily cleared a path.

Wagner heard a subdued sigh of relief from the soldiers behind him. It was evident that, despite the passing days, the group still harbored apprehensions about these undead…

Wagner sighed inwardly, gathered his resolve, and strode toward the town hall doors.

In the town hall, Yang Qiu was speaking with a female clerk. As Wagner and his men entered, he overheard Yang saying to the woman, "…Send Hal to apprehend him. Place him in the militia's custody for the time being."

"Yes, Mr. Lord." The female clerk, bearing a large, bluish birthmark on her face, hesitated for a moment as if she didn't know whether to voice out. "And… There's that…"

"No need to disclose the charges," Yang Qiu calmly replied. "Simply inform everyone that someone reported that fellow's past misdeeds."

"Understood, Lord. I will go and inform Mr. Maxwell." Mia bowed.

Wagner stepped aside to make way for the hastily leaving Mia and couldn't help stealing a curious glance at her.

Wagner had heard rumors of an exceptionally hideous female clerk when running his errands in the town, but this was the first time he had seen her in person.

While it was true that she didn't possess beauty by conventional standards, the term "hideous" seemed somewhat exaggerated. If she hailed from a more affluent background, her birthmark coul

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Novel Notes

Special thanks to Tetra editing
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Checkout my other novels:

I'm Really Not The Demon God's Lackey
The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin