Chapter 820: The Truth (2)
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 820: The Truth (2)

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


Humans always had a tendency of getting stuck in a certain line of thinking.

Only when the truth was revealed were many questions finally resolved.

Now that Tang Jie thought about it, Immortal Ji Yao had never said that she was the Pearl Lady.

At the time, Tang Jie had mistaken Immortal Ji Yao for the Pearl Lady entirely because the Dream Pearl Lady painting had saved the life of Tang Jie's avatar, and Immortal Ji Yao had said that she had felt a familiar sensation. All this plus the "pearl" in Immortal Ji Yao's name and her status in the court had made Tang Jie believe that Immortal Ji Yao was the Pearl Lady.

If their interactions had been face-to-face, then he probably would have noticed a problem.

But Immortal Ji Yao was imprisoned in that demon plane, so Tang Jie couldn't see the look on her face. All he could do was conjecture based on her voice.

All intelligence, insight, and analysis were established on basic information. If there was a severe lack of basic information, there was nothing to draw on to extract intelligence.

In this situation, Tang Jie had been fooled by his preconceived notions into making a grave error.

After mistakenly taking Immortal Ji Yao for the Pearl Lady, he suddenly became a romantic poet.

Luan Grass planted in the gardens of the royal court, a fairy in a dream ascending to the nine heavens, a sentimental keepsake recording a priceless memory stored away in a little tower, a fairyland across a lake, where two lovers would rather be happily married than be Immortal—how was it that the Pearl Lady ended up falling to the Primordial Fog and becoming a Demon Immortal?

He felt like this poem he had composed was rather good, but in reality, he had erred greatly in revealing some information regarding the Pearl Lady. The last two lines in particular indicated that he believed Immortal Ji Yao was the Pearl Lady.

Although Immortal Ji Yao didn't know the exact circumstances, she saw an opportunity. And when Tang Jie gave her the Ma

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Translator Notes

Tang Jie realizes how badly he messed up, but is it too late?

Novel Notes

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