Chapter 821: Goodbyes
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 821: Goodbyes

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


Even though Tang Jie knew that he was bound to face numerous dangers, he still made up his mind to go.

He could only be at ease once he saw things with his own eyes.

If Immortal Ji Yao had really broken free, then Tang Jie's first priority would be to destroy the teleportation formation before Immortal Ji Yao could cross over. Otherwise, he didn't know if Immortal Ji Yao would be able to resolve the problems of the teleportation formation, and if she did and entered the Rosecloud Domain, she would wreak havoc on the place.

Yun Tianlan naturally objected to the plan.

He couldn't just watch Tang Jie send himself to his death.

But Tang Jie had already made up his mind to go.

He said, "The teleportation formation leads to the hidden realm, and I don't want to reveal its location."

Yun Tianlan huffed and puffed in anger. "You brat, you think I've gone senile? You dared to wager the hidden realm against Jewel, and now you're saying that you're afraid of revealing its location? You're just finding excuses for yourself!"

"Yes, I want to go alone. I can't let anyone go in my place. I was the one who made this error, so I won't let anyone take responsibility. Moreover, Immortal Ji Yao is no one to be messed with. If any ordinary cultivator goes, they'll probably be taken control of by her without even getting a chance to meet her, so the trip would be pointless." Seeing that deception wouldn't work, Tang Jie decided to frankly admit it.

"You think that you going will turn out any better? That's a Boundless Gold Immortal! Even if I went, Immortal Ji Yao would crush me with a single finger!" Yun Tianlan said in trembling rage. "The Verdant Cloud Domain is probably a land of the dead by now!"

Tang Jie shook his head. "That's not for certain."

"What?" Yun Tianlan was startled.

Tang Jie explained, "Immortal Emperor Yu Cheng used his divine might to seal Immortal Ji Yao, and one who is sealed generally doesn't come out in a good state. Being sealed for ten thousand y

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Translator Notes

Tang Jie off to see the demon! Hopefully it's not a complete bloodbath on the other side.

Novel Notes

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