Chapter 822: Darkness
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 822: Darkness

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


In a multicolored burst of light, Tang Jie appeared in the subterranean world beneath the Verdant Cloud Domain.

This was a spacious valley surrounded by high and barren walls. Right in the middle of the valley was a giant teleportation formation.

Tang Jie stood in the center of this formation.

Looking around, he saw the sprawling mountains of the Five Elements forbidden zone, as well as that pillar of fire rising to the heavens.

Everything was like before, as if nothing had happened.

Tang Jie, who had already prepared himself for the worst, couldn't help but be stunned by the sight.

Had Ice Phoenix not fallen into demonhood because of that earlier incident? Was Immortal Ji Yao still imprisoned?

If that was the case, then there could still be a chance.

Tang Jie couldn't help but get a little excited.

He flew toward the demon cave and found that the entire region was still the same, awash in demon fog, the golden talisman floating high over the mountain. Nothing had changed, and even that row of small buildings was still there.

Tang Jie sighed in relief.

At this moment, a person came out of a building, wearing white robes and holding a zither, her eyes like stars: Ice Phoenix.

As Ice Phoenix raised her head and spotted Tang Jie, delight appeared in her eyes. "Big Brother Tang Jie, you're here!"

Putting down the zither, she swiftly walked over to Tang Jie.

Seemingly going too fast, when she reached Tang Jie, she actually tripped, her body falling toward him.

Tang Jie grabbed her, and Ice Phoenix's body fell into his embrace. Tang Jie wanted to push her away, but then he recalled the Azure Dragon's words, which robbed this push of strength. Thus, the beauty fell onto his chest, and time seemed to stop.

The two of them said nothing, one leaning against the other.

Seemingly unable to endure this awkward stalemate, Ice Phoenix blushed, and she mumbled, "Big Brother Tang…"

Tang Jie responded, "Have you been well?"

Ice Phoenix's face turned bitter. "Aft

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Translator Notes

It seems like Immortal Ji Yao somehow tricked Tang Jie again! Or maybe Tang Jie was just refusing to face reality?

Novel Notes

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