Chapter 823: Teleportation
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 823: Teleportation

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr



Endless darkness!

When that person appeared in the sky, they brought with them a despairing darkness.

From that night of deep black, a woman flew out, her entire body formed from mist, constantly twisting and shifting, refusing to take on a fixed form.

This was no illusion, but the truth.

When a cultivator reached the level of a Boundless Gold Immortal, their soul became a God and their body became an Immortal, undying and everlasting!

The existence before him was a manifestation of this.

With just this misty body, she was immune to most regular Divine Connections.

An entire army of Deification cultivators like Tang Jie could be sent against her, and Immortal Ji Yao could still kill them all with a single slap.

As for Tang Jie's theory that she had grown weaker from ten thousand years of imprisonment…

Maybe, perhaps it was true.

But this simply wasn't important. No matter how much weaker Immortal Ji Yao had become, so long as she remained at the Boundless Gold Immortal Realm, she could still crush Tang Jie with her finger. The chance that Tang Jie had spoken of was just an excuse to soothe others.

But both the deceiver and deceived were just pretending to believe.

Immortal Ji Yao had finally appeared.

As that ethereal body solidified, Tang Jie was finally able to get his first look at her true face.

Her body was completely cloaked in black, her hair bound up in a tall bun, her feet bare, and her face beautiful like a plum blossom in winter.

Ten thousand years had left no trace on her face, but that purple-black demonic energy had branded the corners of her eyes, making her seem like she had put on some sort of exotic makeup. Those thick lines spread out from the corners of her eyes, extending to behind her ears and down her cheeks, accentuating her beauty and evil.

It was a wicked and formidable appearance, and anyone who saw it would be shaken to the soul and would want to prostrate.

But Tang Jie didn't move, staring at Immortal Ji Ya

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Translator Notes

Well, there goes Immortal Ji Yao, off to a explore a new world, leaving behind Tang Jie and Ice Phoenix...

Novel Notes

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