Chapter 824: Waiting
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 824: Waiting

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


Tang Jie lay like a statue fallen in the mud, dumbly gazing up at the air.

His body had been sealed and rendered immobile by Immortal Ji Yao. The only thing he could move was his face.

But there was not the slightest hint of despair on his face.

His eyes shone with unprecedented brightness as they looked up at the sky, at Ice Phoenix.

This gaze made Ice Phoenix feel an inexplicable chill.

She walked over and stepped on Tang Jie's face. "What are you looking at?"

Tang Jie looked at her and said in a gentle tone, "It was my poor treatment of you that caused you to turn into this. But one day, I will save you."

Ice Phoenix coldly laughed. "I'm doing very well, thank you very much, and I don't need your saving. In the past, I must have been blind, to like a piece of trash like you. But on the day you rejected me, I was enlightened, and no longer will I be lost in those boring romances. As a cultivator, I should use all my strength to advance on the Immortal path. From now on, my goal is only the Great Dao."

Tang Jie sighed. "If you were only pursuing the Dao, I would have no complaints. But your Dao is established on the lives of tens of millions of innocents. I have no choice but to stop you."

Ice Phoenix was flabbergasted, and then she threw her head back and laughed. "'Stop me'? You're already my prisoner, so how are you going to stop me? I've never heard anything more ridiculous!"

She kicked Tang Jie.

She seemed to hold a lot of hatred for Tang Jie, perhaps because he had rejected her, so she ended up kicking him several dozen times.

Tang Jie took her kicks like he was already a corpse, remaining motionless.

After kicking him for a while and getting no response, Ice Phoenix got bored and went to the side to cultivate.

When she cultivated, she was like before, quietly meditating and adjusting her energy, but now, a purple-black smoke engulfed her. When she breathed in and out, this smoke would go in and out of her ears, nose, and mouth, like tiny lit

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Translator Notes

Immortal Ji Yao got too smug and liked bullying her own junior so much that she made a little oopsie.

Novel Notes

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