Chapter 819: The Truth (1)
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 819: The Truth (1)

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


The Zephyr Mountains.

As expected, today was yet another grandiose victory banquet.

All the members of the Basking Moon Sect were celebrating Tang Jie's victory, celebrating the Basking Moon Sect's rising power.

In today's battle, Tang Jie had used his Deification cultivation to become the number one Violet Palace expert in Rosecloud, which meant that the Basking Moon Sect had officially become the strongest of the six– no, four major sects. Although the Earth Immortals meant that this was not an overwhelming advantage, it was enough to make everyone rejoice. Moreover, everyone else also harbored the idea that if Tang Jie could beat Soul Projection while at Deification, perhaps he could beat Earth Immortals while at Soul Projection.

Moreover, the difficulty of reaching Soul Projection was much lower than reaching Earth Immortal.

Until Immortal Platform, minor tiers were always easier to advance into than major realms. So long as there were no accidents, Tang Jie reaching Soul Projection was only a matter of time.

For this reason, all of the Basking Moon Sect was wildly celebrating. But the main character of all this was not present for the festivities.

The back mountain of Starsnatch Peak.

In the thatched hut.

Tang Jie respectfully stood before Yun Tianlan.

Yun Tianlan waved his hand. "Sit."

Tang Jie sat down.

Yun Tianlan looked Tang Jie over before nodding in satisfaction. "You did very well this time. Although you defeated Jewel, you managed to win everyone's hearts. Right now, there are even many people inside Horizon Ocean Pavilion who are complimenting you. Some of this is thanks to Xu Guanghua and his daughter, but more of it is thanks to your magnanimous attitude. This is how a proper person of authority should act."

"This disciple does not live up to Martial Ancestor's high praise."

"There's no need to be polite." Yun Tianlan waved his sleeve. "I had you come because there's something I want to ask you. As I was observing your battle, I foun

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Translator Notes

When the story seems too good to be true, maybe it really is too good to be true. Fortunately for Immortal Ji Yao, Tang Jie is a romantic at heart.

Novel Notes

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