Chapter 818: Number One Violet Palace
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 818: Number One Violet Palace

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


Tang Jie was dead.

Just like that?

Everyone dumbly stared at the battlefield.

In the end, had the number one genius of the Rosecloud Domain failed to create a miracle and died to Rosecloud's number one Violet Palace expert?

All of them felt like it was a great pity.

The Basking Moon Sect had ultimately lost this duel.

But it had been a Pyrrhic victory for Horizon Ocean Pavilion. Putting aside the heavy price the Jewel Immortal Sovereign had paid for this victory, even the wager she should have won had probably gone up in smoke along with Tang Jie.

But while some felt pity, others celebrated.

Only Xu Miaoran remained composed.

She gazed at the valley, her eyes firm. "No, my husband didn't die. He's a man who can create miracles, so he would never die like this."

"Miao'er." Xu Guanghua sorrowfully looked at his daughter, wanting to comfort her but not knowing what to say.

The Jewel Immortal Sovereign heartily laughed. "How can the dead talk of miracles? Ling Xiao, I've won this wager. Starting from today, the inter-domain trade–"

"Starting from today, the Immortal Sovereign must retreat from society and remain in seclusion for the rest of her days."

A voice casually rang out, and everyone froze as if they had been struck by lightning.

A person emerged from the void, strolling through the air. Who else could it be but Tang Jie?

"How is this possible?" the Jewel Immortal Sovereign cried out.

While a cultivator's Immortal arts were powerful, in the end, they still had mortal bodies. Perhaps they could completely recover from injuries, even regrow heads, but that was normally because they had the protection of the corresponding Immortal art. But there was no record in the Great Stellar Chiliocosm of someone being able to revive after being sliced into mincemeat.

At the Violet Palace Realm, this was true. However, at Immortal Platform, this was no longer, as those were true Immortals, undying and everlasting.

This was why nobody believed that Tang Jie

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Translator Notes

Tang Jie sort of cheated there at the end, using the formation at the end to bring himself back to life, but a win's a win!

Novel Notes

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