Chapter 971.5- Dragon Throne (2)
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 971.5- Dragon Throne (2)

“Who are you?”

As the highest commander of this place, the middle-aged man rode his mount forward a little and faced Ye Zhongming and Red Hair, who were sitting on the throne.

This was the first time he had seen such a weird piece of equipment. They discovered that the Posthumous people had outsiders who helped them craft shining weapons and shirts.

There were even rumors that these people had strong sky weapons.

The middle-aged man didn’t believe those rumors in the past.

Saint Light Hall was invincible in this land for many years, and they didn’t believe that someone could be stronger than them.

Shining weapons, shining flying equipment. They all felt like they weren’t real.

So what if it was real? They could still defeat them and prove to the world that they were still invincible.

But at that moment, the middle-aged man knew that he was wrong.

Although this was Saint Light Hall’s backline base, it was still on the frontlines of the fight. This made it convenient for each squad to send their injured beasts over.

But there were still close to a thousand troops here. These were true warriors. Their equipment might not be the best, but they were still first-rate.

The people working here were also problematic people from the various camps. These people were arrogant. Why? They were strong and elites from various places. As they were strong, they looked down on all rules and made mistakes, which is why they were sent here.

But these people weren’t able to stop the enemies. The middle-aged man had been calculating the time it had taken since the enemy had attacked.

A thousand breaths?

That might be too many.

Did this squad belong to the Posthumous people?

The middle-aged man felt like those rumors were true.

Actually, one of Saint Light Hall’s squads was wiped, and one replenishment base was destroyed. Such news was locked down, and they didn’t know about them.

But now, they would end up as a part of such news.

“Who we are is not important; what is important is that you have two choices.”

Liang Chuy

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