Chapter 972- Soul feeding totem
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 972- Soul feeding totem

Ye Zhongming’s eyes were already opened wide when Red Hair created these two pieces of equipment in Cloud Peak.

But the way the Dragon Throne attacked had refreshed his understanding.

But when Red Hair used her whip, Ye Zhongming didn’t know how to describe his feelings.

The whip’s benefit was that its length was not fixed. So even if she was sitting further away, the whip could cross a distance to hit some Saint Light Hall warriors.

It was silent. To evolved, it wasn’t very quick, and they had time to react.

Those who were still standing were all powerful Saint Light Hall warriors. Many of them made preparations that Ye Zhongming and those from Cloud Peak felt were sufficient.

They either dodged or raised their weapons to block. Some of them, who should be good at working together, formed small formations to face the attack.

They didn’t underestimate the attack at all.

But the whip was like water. When it faced a weapon, the weapon would slice through it, but the whip wouldn’t break. The Saint Light Hall’s weapon would just get stuck inside, unable to be retracted. The water-like whip would have glue-like qualities.

Those who dodged it thought that they managed to dodge. But in the next second, the whip would extend. Like a gentle hand, it would caress their bodies.

The whip brushed dozens of them.

Red Hair’s attacks were gentle and silent compared to the usual scenes of blood flying. It looked like a joke, but the outcome frightened Cloud Peak and those from Saint Light Hall.

Anyone that the whip brushed just stood there. Moments later, they dropped their weapons on the ground.

But no one paid attention to that. In those few seconds, people saw that a black mist-like thing appeared above the heads of the Saint Light Hall warriors. These soul-like things then twisted and struggled as the whip absorbed them.

Each soul that was absorbed would make it brighter and more colorful. Although the changes were slight but everyone could see it.

When the dozen souls were absorbed, the light was like a fed chil

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