Chapter 973- Saintess came and Red Hair left
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 973- Saintess came and Red Hair left

Still that camp. But as compared to when it started, it was several times bigger.

The core portion was still the ground made up of the six-sided jade stone. The other areas were a silver metal.

Saint Light Hall was using this method to show off their aura.

Of course, they might also be showing off their wealth.

In a giant white tent in the core region, the three heads of Saint Light Hall sat around a table, their expressions solemn.

Nan Jin drank the green liquid in his cup and smiled.

“In the past, drinking coral fruit juice was one of my hobbies. I felt like the sweet and sour taste was enjoyable, but now, I feel like this thing is very bitter.”

The other two were helpless when they heard that.

They had faced their biggest problem since their attacks started.

Bad news continued to spread these few days. First was the beast nurturing area that was sneak attacked. Thousands of troops were killed. If you added the ten thousand beasts there, that was a huge loss.

The weird thing was that when the squad rushed over to investigate, they only saw a portion of the corpses. There were some that were incomplete, with their spines taken. Those mounts all disappeared, and no one knew where they went.

Five digits of beasts. Even the blood alone would form a small lake. How did they disappear?

There were some marks. But apart from proving that a battle had occurred, there were no useful clues.

Oh, right, there were signs of soul techniques.

But this was a battle between Posthumous people and them, so what was the surprise that someone was using a soul technique?

Of course, the soul technique was weird and very terrifying. It caused one to lose their soul.

However, this wasn’t much of an issue for the three heads. Posthumous people might have terrifying abilities, but Saint Light Hall did, too.

The sneak attack was just a start. In the next few days, numerous Saint Light Hall squads were attacked. The enemies’ attack could be described with three words.

Quick, accurate, vicious!

When they attacked, they wiped

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