Chapter 974- This is war
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 974- This is war

Numerous flags danced on the giant Imperial City walls. On them were various diagrams of beasts and plants.

It wasn’t that the Posthumous people worshipped these things or that they knelt to them. They just purely worshipped the power that it had.

In such a bad environment that lacked resources and had long winters where beasts roamed, one of the few things that they were proud of was this Imperial City that had never fallen.

But the Imperial City looked different now.

There were two obvious places.

One was the five giant pillars that stood tall in the city's center. Posthumous people who looked at these pillars were shocked by the things on them. Not only were there the dried corpses of many lifeforms but the totem itself was also made of blood. One could smell the thick stench from far away.

The other was on the walls and in the hands and bodies of the Posthumous people warriors. There were weapons and equipment that didn’t belong to the Posthumous people. Or rather, it didn’t belong to this world. They gave off various glows and could activate skills like those strong soul techniques.

Cloud Peak had brought these two things, and their squad was even helping defend the walls.

Of course, there was also another change that didn’t exist before, just that those people in the city got used to it. That space gate stood in the city. Many warriors from another world continued to enter and were here to fight for the city.

“This is Thousand Leaf Grass, this is Lip Tearing Fruit, this is Three Segment Carrot, this is Deesolate Nourishing Stone and Bug Crawling Dirt.”

Xia Lei pointed at some things on the table and said.

She was named as one of the commanders of the Imperial City defense. In the upcoming battle, she had independent control, so she came here with Cloud Peak’s main force to participate in the defense.

As for Cloud Peak’s side, they weren’t worried about anything happening without her there. Apart from a few defending squads that didn’t come over, there were many of the older and weaker Posthumous p

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