Chapter 975- Foreign King
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 975- Foreign King

“We have contacted Cannibal Chain and purchased large amounts of resources and ammo, which will last us a long time. However, didn’t you see the Black Cloak Caravan? Although they aren’t as big as Cannibal Chain, they are quite powerful with the nearby factions. I told them to be on standby and that if there were any needs, Yuan Shang would use his connections to purchase them.”

Xia Lei and Ye Zhongming sat side by side on the walls and looked at Saint Light Hall’s troops gathering.

This was the first time he saw the faction that had suppressed the Posthumous people. As expected, they were very orderly, and there was no chaos at all. The few kings that planned to sneak attack them before they stabilized could only give up on those thoughts.

“Sister Hong and Le, as well as those technical members, are gone?”

All of them came over to lead the city defense and adjust the equipment. They even built a temporary lab and placed some gene lifeforms here for the battle.

Saint Light Hall’s main force was here, and the outside world was lost. Soon, these people from a higher civilization than them would attack. Ye Zhongming, even the Posthumous people didn’t understand much about them. They didn’t even know if they had any skill that could allow them to attack. To prevent accidents from happening, Ye Zhongming didn’t want the researchers to remain here. They were the foundations of Cloud Peak.

“They are all gone; only some essential workers protect those research results and maintain the crystal weapons.”

Ye Zhongming nodded. This battle, no, war. Consolidated Cloud Peak’s highest battle abilities. It was an accident previously when the mutated lifeform army surrounded them, and they didn’t use many of their skills.

This time, Ye Zhongming planned to try them on Saint Light Hall.

“Mu Xinfei has helped us contact the Resistance Zone and asked them for the Mechanic Fortress that they owe us.”


Ye Zhongming didn’t know about that and looked at Xia Lei curiously.

The Resistance Zone was fighting for itself and wa

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