Chapter 971- Dragon Throne
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 971- Dragon Throne

The gory stench in the air lasted for a long time. There wasn’t any wind in Blue Secret Realm after winter, so it took longer for this scent to dissipate.

Chika held a halberd in one hand and a bucket of water in the other and headed towards the fences.

He was a deputy general of the Light Cavalry Squad but broke the rules and was sent here to care for injured mounts.

This was, of course, a blow to him. Fortunately, his mental strength was very strong. He knew that he would get called back before the main attack. After all, a deputy general was only below the three commanders and was a high-level member. The thousand cavaliers under him would only listen to him when it was time to risk their lives.

A purple eagle squatted beside the fence. If you got close, you could pick up a decomposing smell. This eagle was injured in battle and was stabbed by a bone spear. There was something on the spear that resulted in the wound decomposing. It couldn’t heal and was sent here to rest.

Beside another fence was a middle-aged man who had also been sent here as a punishment. He stared at a black beast, observed the amount it ate, and recorded the information.

“Isn’t it burdensome to carry a halberd at this moment?”

The middle-aged man didn’t know why Chika had carried the weapon.

“This is the Posthumous people’s territory, and accidents might occur at any moment,” Chika said seriously.

“Is that so?” The middle-aged man smiled, “Why did I hear that your Commander Nan is sending someone over to take a look at the situation?”

Chika scratched his head awkwardly and smiled, “Haiz, who wants to care for birds here instead of being a cavalier? Only you decided not to be a feather warrior and came here to manage things.”

The middle-aged man smiled and looked as the black beast finished its food. He looked at Chika, who was washing the eagle's wounds with a potion. This fellow was a problem sometimes. He complained that he didn’t want to feed the birds and horses, but when it was time to do his job, he was a very responsible p

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