Chapter 970- Have never betrayed
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 970- Have never betrayed

Red Hair was already very strong in the past. When they attacked God Hall, she killed a level eight lifeform herself. Although it was a weak product, it was still a level eight lifeform. Apart from Ye Zhongming and Xia Bai, the others would only barely be able to survive.

Such a Red Hair had gone through an unknown mutation, making her evidently stronger. No one was sure that Ye Zhongming was her match at this time.

She was his puppet in the past, but that was in the past. Once she got stronger than him, that relationship might become ineffective.

The higher the level of the lifeform, the more autonomous it got. No one hoped to be restrained or controlled by others.

If Red Hair evolved to that level, there was a high chance that she would break free from Ye Zhongming.

The crystal cannons and giant crossbow turned over to this place in case any accident occurred.

Ye Zhongming walked firmly and those skeletons got more annoyed. These people weren’t ordinary bone structures but bones from high-level lifeforms. Moreover, with the soul pearl’s energy, even if they hadn’t fought, their dangerous aura told everyone that they weren’t to be trifled with.

When Ye Zhongming walked among the skeletons, the battle that everyone expected didn’t explode. Everyone relaxed.

Ye Zhongming came before Red Hair and stopped a few meters away. He purposely stopped there. At this spot, he could be on the same level as her. If he were further away, it would look like she was looking down on him. If he were close, he would be looking down on her.

No matter which it was, it could cause a conflict.

Right, their connection hadn’t recovered. It even returned to the past before Red Hair came back alive, where the connection was intermittent.

He was not sure what was going to happen.

The reason why he came here alone was to show his attitude. He was showing everyone and Red Hair that this is Cloud Peak. No matter who it was, they couldn’t misbehave here.

Red Hair was strong, but was Ye Zhongming afraid of her? Of course not. Even if

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