Chapter 969- Pulling a bone for her
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 969- Pulling a bone for her

It was silent, and everyone was stunned. They didn’t understand why this happened.

Since the wheel descended from the sky, there were evolution potions, various equipment, zombies, monsters, and battle beasts. Everyone felt like they had seen enough weird things in their life.

But now, they were still shocked by this scene. Even Ye Zhongming, who had lived a previous life, was no exception.

He hadn’t even heard of such changes before.

Red Hair was a puppet he created following the wheel’s recipe. It died but somehow came back alive, with mental energy and vines. Moreover, it followed the mutated lifeform’s evolution level.

Ye Zhongming was confused about what had happened to Red Hair in the past, and he didn’t know what type of lifeform she was.

He was even more lost today. What was the lifeform he had created>

The thousands of skeletons each pulled out a bone and respectfully placed them in front of Red Hair. They then returned to their positions and knelt there with their heads lowered.

Red Hair stood quietly. She didn’t do anything, but the bones started to float around her height. They began to change, combine, piece together…

The metal bones were soft like crystal dough. When their shape didn’t fit, they would change. They looked really soft, as if the bones were originally one piece and had just scattered onto the bodies of the different skeletons.

Very quickly, everyone saw what those bones were going to turn into.

That was… A chair.

But it wasn’t an ordinary chair. It looked really exaggerated.

Four thick legs floated in the sky. They were curved and elegant as you looked from button up. At around half a meter in height, they supported a squarish seat. Bones of different thicknesses intersected there and rested on the back support. It formed two exquisite but complicated faces: one for sitting and the backrest, which was at a certain angle. But right in the middle, where you could also rest, was another arc.

The two handles were formed from two skeleton heads, and were stillexquisite. It didn’

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