Chapter 968- Huge mutation
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 968- Huge mutation

“Still calm?”

Ye Zhongming hurried back. He saw that the situation was still the same, so he was more at ease.

He was afraid that he would return to see Red Hair dead and Cloud Peak suffering massive injuries.

Although the situation didn’t get better, at least it didn’t get worse.

“She did go berserk a few times, but she resisted it. The gap between episodes is getting shorter; I think she can’t hold on for much longer.”

Liu Zhenghong dealt with the soul pearls. She used equipment that she and Le Dayuan developed together. It used the crystal weapon’s theory to create a device that helped extract energy.

More accurately, it was an injector. But instead of injecting liquid, you injected energy.

Red Hair couldn’t absorb energy from the soul pearl herself, so they could only use this method to help her.

Maybe because she sensed Ye Zhongming’s arrival, Red Hair’s eyes looked towards this direction before she closed them again.

Ye Zhongming tried to communicate with her through their minds, but like before, there was a reaction but no clear message.

Very quickly, the thousands of soul pearls were extracted into four devices. Liu Zhenghong passed them to Ye Zhongming.

Ye Zhongming looked at the Brainchild that was hiding behind the zombie horde, “Get these things to move aside.”

Although Red Hair controlled the Brain Child, it was still a brain bug and had its own way of thinking. The situation put him in a spot. Although the other zombies protected Red Hair through instinct but, they knew that it wasn’t Red Hair’s intention.

But if Red Hair lost control, they would be on opposing sides to Cloud Peak. If she knew that it let Ye Zhongming in, then…

“Do you believe that I will kill you now?”

Ye Zhongming frowned, and the Brain Child became cowardly immediately. It made a few sounds to the zombies before it. Some of them were level six, and many were level five. The rest were level four on average. They hesitated before opening up a path.

Ye Zhongming walked over as if these fellows didn’t exist.

He walked

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