Chapter 967- What a scam
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 967- What a scam

He could only eliminate one option on the second spin.

Ye Zhongming had the urge to shatter this wheel.

He had not seen such a scam.

Be it ordinary wheels, colorful wheels, even the demon gambling wheels, competition death wheel, ocean king wheel, etc. The Elimination Technique could work on all of them, and they followed the same rules.

But when it reached the One Step Wheel, he could only eliminate two options, he could only eliminate one now.

Won’t he have to face two punishments again?

Ye Zhongming had used his second life. If another fatal danger appeared, he wouldn’t die, but the price would be that the Earth Elf would disappear forever.

As compared to the Earth Elf, the prizes might be less valuable. Should he risk the Earth Elf for them?

He calmed himself down and thought about it. He could only eliminate one option, which was the reward explosion, as that punishment would definitely kill.

Of the remaining two, the level eight lifeform was still okay. With the people they had, they were prepared for it. But the mental energy curse…

Ye Zhongming didn’t want anything to do with it. Now that the situation had changed and he could only eliminate one punishment, he had to consider if he could take the punishment.

Finally, he decided to take the risk.

If he gave up just like that, he would feel reluctant. He wasted the second life that took more than a year to refresh, and all he could do was run away?

Ye Zhognming told everyone to retreat, and he was about to begin the second spin.

Some people said that when you wished for luck, it wouldn’t come. And when you didn’t care, it would appear.

Ye Zhongming was prepared to get hit by the mental energy curse. He was betting on himself.

Of course, he knew that if he was unlucky and received another punishment, he would feel the curse was just a curse. It would absorb some of his mental energy but not fully make it disappear.

With his recovery speed, he was confident he could resist the curse.

The needle continued to spin and showed no signs of stopping

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