Chapter 966- Second Life
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 966- Second Life

One Step Wheel stood tall in the dark Blue Secret Realm. The people around were very nervous.

There are eight choices, four rewards, and four punishments. The rewards were naturally good, but no one paid attention to them. They were all staring at the punishments.

Hong Xiang and Ling Kun also knew the punishments, as they had to prepare for accidents that might occur. They looked at Ye Zhongming with a complicated expression.

Even if Ye Zhongming didn’t say anything, they knew the reason why this young man wanted to spin this dangerous thing. It was so that they could face the level nine Saint Light Hall expert.

Although they didn’t know why Ye Zhongming was sure Saint Light Hall would send everything they had, they knew this partner wouldn’t lie to them. He took such a huge risk to spin the wheel because he wanted to help the Posthumous people.

But, the punishments scared them.

After the trip to Earth, they understood the wheel and knew the real use of demon crystals. Many Posthumous people even spun the wheels themselves.

But as they were of different species, they didn’t need potions as much as humans. Potions could increase their strength, but there was a limit. This meant that they didn’t care as much about the wheels.

Ye Zhongming could give them everything they needed, and they suited them better than those from the wheel.

But this was the first time they had seen such a terrifying wheel, so they had to pay close attention to it.

Ye Zhongming threw level seven crystals in and started his first spin.

He could only eliminate two punishments. One was naturally the reward explosion. That reward was too terrifying; you would die if you got it. The second choice was the mental energy curse.

Apart from the elimination technique, Ye Zhongming was able to get rich because of the Glory Smith job. His mental energy supported that job.

Not only did he have a large amount of mental energy, it recovered quickly, too.

Cloud Peak was fully dressed in silver. Xia Bai’s squad was full green. Each of the core mem

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