Chapter 965- Red Hair that went out of control
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 965- Red Hair that went out of control

The current Cloud Peak was in an industrial revolution state.

Due to the large need for defensive equipment in the Secret Realm, apart from certain groups, the crystal weapons lab stopped developing new weapons and fully focused on producing various weapons.

Giant bed crossbow, crystal weapon blueprints, crossbows, wooden spikes, traps… As long as they could help the city defense and even the fights, Cloud Peak was crafting them.

The gun production line that Mu Xinfei brought over was thrown into production—coal, fuels, metal, etc. Cloud Peak needed anything that had to do with crafting. Each day, large amounts of caravans would deliver these things to Cloud Peak.

A furnace had been set up near the downwind portion of Cloud Peak. It wasn’t huge, but the style was a little weird. After all, from the energy system to the execution system, there were too many traces of the wheel’s technology. This was very different from traditional Earth factories.

This was forced by reality. The apocalypse was chaotic, changing society's structure and technological system. Research and tech members weren’t common, so there was unavoidably a knowledge gap.

Only organizations and factions like the Glory Army or the Resistance Zone could maintain a perfect system.

Of course, when god closed a door, he would open a window.

The products of the wheel replaced the loss of technology. From small tools and light sources to generators, energy sources, large machinery, etc., they were all produced from the wheel.

Although there wasn’t much, which would mean that industrials and technology would weaken, it allowed organizations to maintain some modern production ability.

This was a hot spot of contention in the apocalypse.

Cloud Peak was trying to obtain these and bring in people with the knowledge. Although Ye Zhongming didn’t know what would happen in the future, at least for now, he had to maintain the needs of the crystal weapons lab and gun production line.

Compared to the buzz outside, Ye Zhongming’s villa was cold and quiet.

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