Chapter 964- Taking a gamble
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 964- Taking a gamble

“Liu Zhennghong, Professor Liu, Sister Liu…” Professor He lay weakly on the experiment table. He was naked, and the places where the Death King Tree pierced were brushed with medicine. The wounds there were healing.

Liu Zhenghong, her two assistants, and the Death King Tree, who was much smaller now, stood aside and stared at the wounds.

“Very good. Healing ability is A+. Record the blood pressure as well as heart rate.”

She ignored Professor He and continued to give instructions. She took out silver tools from her case.

Ye Zhongming specially made this.

“Save me, save me, and I will tell you a secret.” Professor He felt fear from the bottom of his soul.

He was a gene expert and knew that many things in this world were more terrifying than death.

Seeing Liu Zhenghong, he knew that Ye Zhongming and her had planned it long in advance. They had even thought about what to do to him.

Although Liu Zhenghong didn’t have the bad reputation she did in his last life, she still created gene warriors. Professor He thought about how he would end up as her test product and felt numb.

When he used other living beings as guinea pigs, he heard them scream and cry. The soul-ripping pain, the despair on their faces, and the desire to die. Professor He had lost all his principles and the bottom line now that the tables were turned.

If Liu Zhenghong could let him go, he would do anything.

“Secret?” Liu Zhenghong smiled coldly, but her hands didn’t stop, “Are there any secrets in this world? A treasure?”

“No, no, God Hall’s research results. The results of our chief!”

Liu Zhenghong smiled and showed no interest that Professor He had hoped for.

“Do you know I see God Hall’s nature on your body?” Liu Zhenghong said. She injected a bottle of red liquid into him, “What, what is that?” He screamed as it was injected into his left kidney.

“Your research is just matching together organs. You don’t study how to remove the rejection. You don’t study how to make the genes match. You don’t study how to create life. You are just spen

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