Chapter 963- Bloodied Blade
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 963- Bloodied Blade

Ye Zhongming was slightly surprised by Five Ring Money’s actions, but it felt expected.

This organization would never take a loss. They were interested in Cloud Peak’s gene lifeform and suggested such a way to work together. This proved that as long as Cloud Peak agreed, they would have a way to earn the money back. No, they could use this cooperation to earn more money.

Liu Chengyu knew how to grasp one’s thoughts. He had tested Ye Zhongming and was sure he needed the Crescent Moon Bloodstone, so he negotiated like that.

The truth was that he succeeded. If he passed the stone to Ye Zhongming, would he reject it? Would he not be tempted by this material that could craft Moon Sand?

Moreover, it was three pieces. This gave him three chances to craft the item.

Ye Zhongming would take the stone, meaning he would work with Five Ring Money.

Take the item but choose not to work together?

Not to mention that Cloud Peak and Ye Zhongming, who cared about their reputation, wouldn’t do that, even if they had such a thought; their external environment meant that they couldn’t do it.

Just count how many enemies Cloud Peak had. There was Soul Merchant and Glory Army, God Hall, whose main group had escaped, the resistance zone, Assassin Heart… If one added Five Ring Money, then Cloud Peak was facing the world.

What made Ye Zhongming more restrained was that he had a war to fight. Saint Light Hall had a level nine person. People of that level had given him a deep impression in his last life. In this life, he was definitely nervous to face such a person.

To be honest, he was facing that person in the Secret Realm. If he couldn’t defeat him, at most, he would just escape with the key. If it were on Earth, Ye Zhongming definitely wouldn’t offend them.

So, when a wooden box with three pieces of stone was delivered to him, Ye Zhongming kept them.

Work together then. With Cloud Peak’s strength, he wasn’t afraid of Five Ring Money. They had what they needed. If the other side tried anything funny, Ye Zhongming would just fight

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