Chapter 962- Free gift
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 962- Free gift

“First time is that our Five Ring Money, no, Deacon Water, wants to work with Cloud Peak to manage… Some things together.”

Ye Zhongming squinted his eyes, “We aren’t selling crystal weapons.”

Liu Chengyu shook his head, “Mr. Ye misunderstood me. We don’t need crystal weapons; we need… Your gene warriors!”

Ye Zhongming was stunned and didn’t expect that repair.

Indeed, gene warriors and crystal weapons were Cloud Peak’s two cores.

However, compared to crystal weapons, which were more useful and famous, the gene warriors seemed ordinary. Apart from the explosive warriors that appeared previously, they didn’t have much mature gene techniques.

Of course, Ye Zhongming knew that the reason for the crystal weapons was him. He told Le Dayuan about the theories and models from his last life, which was why Le Dayuan could use his knowledge and progress quickly.

However, Ye Zhongming only had a rough understanding of gene techniques. He didn’t even need to say anything and Liu Zhenghong would know about what he knew. The understanding of Liu Zhenghong and gene lifeforms stopped at Frankenstein-like beings in his last life.

Ye Zhongming only provided things for Liu Zhenghong to experiment with, and the various machines. But in the end, she had to work from scratch.

It was already really decent that she had achieved their current goals.

Especially Barr’s Potion. Although it was banned, if Cloud Peak was in danger, it was still a trump card that was worth using.

Ye Zhongming felt that Liu Zhenghong’s lab’s usefulness would catch up to the crystal weapons lab and would even exceed it. It might even become the future of mankind and Earth.

Who knew that Five Ring Money would be interested in the gene lab?

One had to say that they had good taste.

“Anyone whose secrets are being targetted would be filled with rage and anxiousness, much less an army. Are you not afraid that your request will anger us?”

Ye Zhongming had calmed down, and his tone had not changed in intonation. But this gave Liu Chengyu the feeling that he

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