Chapter 961- Five Ring Money's goal
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 961- Five Ring Money's goal

Ye Zhongming looked at this person’s left chest, where he wore an accessory with five copper rings connected.

Five Ring Money.

Since the Sharp Peak Mountain base meeting, this was the second time that Ye Zhongming had bumped into this faction.

This organization was famous in his last life. They did all sorts of business that could earn money—selling population, underground fights, trading information, assassination, etc. They would even do some deals that would only happen in the apocalypse.

Ye Zhongming had heard that a big faction’s leader had started a servant nurturing plan, which they had invited Five Ring Money to complete for them.

There were all sorts of young children, mentally ill guys and girls, siblings that had changed their genders, etc., were all done by this organization.

Although Ye Zhongming wasn’t a good person in his last life, he felt some hatred and disgust for what this organization did.

In this life, this group even wanted to work with others at Sharp Peak Mountain to con him, which further worsened his impression of them.

If Ye Zhongming were still that small six-star evolved in his last life, then he would definitely hide from them if he couldn’t offend them. If he had no choice but to come into contact with them, he would behave politely and even bend his back.

He had no choice,; they could crush him just by reaching their fingers out.

But in this life, Ye Zhongming had the ability to face off against anyone. He was at the peak of mankind’s evolution. His fear of Five Ring Money had disappeared.

So, he didn’t hide his coldness toward this organization. He sat down and asked, “What is your price?”

Five Ring Money’s member had been looking at Ye Zhongming when he entered the room and had captured all his expressions. This matched the information he had, and he had a plan.

“I am Liu Chengyu, one of Deacon Water’s six butlers.”

Ye Zhongming pouted as he listened. It was the apocalypse, so people liked to act cool and create things that were in novels or ancient times.

Liu Cheng

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