Chapter 960- Crescent Moon Blood Stone
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 960- Crescent Moon Blood Stone

There was a totalof over 280 bones with Ghost Metal. The bone with the fewest chains had seven.

This meant that Cloud Peak obtained over a thousand Ghost Metal Chains. It was a worry, too, as keeping the Ghost Metal alive was a huge headache.

After a day of work, Ye Zhongming, Liu Zhenghong, and many other researchers confirmed some things.

The Ghost Metal Chains could be nurtured using flesh and blood. The higher the level, the more energy would be provided for them.

However, the experiments proved that this method helped them reproduce and not grow normally.

Those chains that were damaged in the battle with Ye Zhognming could absorb flesh and blood to repair itself.

Ye Zhongming needed them to grow normally and not for them to grow quickly.

All the bones had their own life, and all the bones could absorb flesh and blood. It was the same, even if they had no ghost metal growing.

This made him suspect that if the bones had enough nutrients, would they grow Ghost Metal, too?

Then how many chains could grow from the thousand pieces of bones of this Chain Prisoner’s body?

If that was the case, this was a giant fortune. But this was built on the basis that they could afford to raise so many bones.

There was also another point. The life force in the bones dropped quickly after they were away from the Chain Prisoner’s body. In just a day, the few that didn’t get any flesh and blood were dying. Ye Zhongming had to find large amounts of flesh for them to absorb and maintain their life force.

Ye Zhongming and Liu Zhenghong did some experiments. He sliced the chains from their roots and only left the bone and the circular base. The energy they absorbed not only didn’t decrease, it even increased in folds.

Maybe they were just too immersed in the situation. But when Miya came over and mentioned that the bone looked like an onion, Ye Zhongming and Liu Zhenghong looked at each other and cursed.

Ye Zhongming grabbed the bone and used the Nurture ability. He noticed that although he had lost a bit of mental energy,

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