Chapter 959- Cannot afford
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 959- Cannot afford

Ye Zhongming suspected that Ghost Metal was connected to the Chain Prisoner’s body. That was because the Ghost Metal that he had sliced at the apocalypse's start had returned to normal.

He didn’t know the reason, but he had two probable answers.

One was that as the Chain Prisoner’s evolution level increased, the metal chains on it would recover. So when he saw it, the shorter chain would return to normal.

Another that was even bolder. The Ghost Metal was something that grew inside the Chain Prisoner’s body.

He wasn’t sure of the answer before he killed it. Now, it was time to solve the mystery.

Ye Zhongming stared at it for a long time before breathing out.

The Ghost Metal was connected to the Chain Prisoner’s bones.

This monster’s bones were different from human bones. Ye Zhongming wasn’t interested in studying its bones, but when he saw those chains connected to the bones, it proved that his second guess was correct.

He was sure that the metal grew from the bones because not only were they connected, but there was even a color change where they connected.

The bones were white with red spots. Every few parts, there would be a circular base. That base was still white with red spots, but as you went up, the color got darker. The red spots would then disappear and then turn into Ghost Metal.

They were one.

If this didn’t prove that the Ghost Metal grew from the bones, then what could prove it?

The level nine old man at Blue Secret Realm put Ye Zhongming under huge pressure, which was why he chose to kill the Chain Prisoner to get its resources. But if it was possible, he rather nurture it and use it as a Ghost Metal production plant.

But he was forced to attack. Moreover, he was glad he made that choice.

The level eight Chain Prisoner was already so strong. What if it reached level nine? Who could restrict it?

In his last life, three nine-star evolved had to work together to kill it. One of them received unhealable injuries and died from it early.

Things changed in this life. The time it took for it t

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