Chapter 958- Body full of good stuff
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 958- Body full of good stuff

The potion Ye Zhongming drank was a Basic Berserk Potion. The weapon he took out was the Soul Shattering Staff.

The Chain Prisoner’s attacks were too much for Ye Zhongming, and he had to use this potion to temporarily increase his body’s stats so that he could hold on.

The side effects were naturally better than wasting skills or equipment that could block fatal damage.

As for the staff, Ye Zhongming wasn’t actually willing to use it. He wasn’t sure how many marks he had to light to kill the target. If he lit too few, it would be useless. If he lit too many, not only would it be a waste, he would go unconscious. If he didn’t kill the enemy, he would be the dead person.

But it was a crucial moment, and he had no choice but to use it.

He lit 12 marks. This was the limit of his mental energy after using the Basic Berserk Potion.

The crafting and fighting previously meant his mental energy wasn’t at its max.

That thick streak of light swept through the sky and then imprinted into the pillar behind.

The metal shrapnel all stopped before they landed on the ground.

Ye Zhongming’s body flew. Around him was blood that spurted, which looked very eye-piercing.

He spat out a mouthful of blood when he landed. He felt as if his body was breaking apart. He struggled to open his eyes and take a look at the Chain Prisoner. Only then did he give up on standing back up.

He didn’t need to get back up as his opponent’s head was off.

Shattering Soul Staff’s strike hit the Chain Prisoner’s neck. That was its weakness.

The Chain Prisoner was too weak, and its neck defense wasn’t high. That attack sliced it and ended the life of this elite monster who was a level-nine beast in his last life.

Ye Zhongming smiled at the sky. Footsteps rang out beside him, and he muttered, “Suck the liquid in its eyes… Suck the liquid in its eyes…”

He said a few times before falling unconscious.


Two days later, Cloud Peak welcomed the Chain Prisoner’s giant body. Two Exquisite Floating Balls tugged it and passed Y

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