Chapter 875.5- Crystal Machine Gun (2)
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 875.5- Crystal Machine Gun (2)

Shengyuan was wise to ask for help. When Mo Ye arrived, he was left with 700 people.

Of course, God Hall wasn’t in a good state, either. They were sneak attacked and were nervous. Moreover, Cloud Peak’s equipment was too good, and their evolution levels were higher. Even if they had beasts, the battle was not easy.

The more important point was that Cloud Peak warriors were insane and were fighting like their lives weren’t theirs.

Who could handle that?

God Hall’s squad weren’t experienced troops. They had never been defeated, so they were very pumped and courageous.

But what they did every day was different from Cloud Peak.

Cloud Peak’s warriors were sent out to hunt daily. They fought with zombies, mutated lifeforms, and other humans at every moment.

Why did Cloud Peak’s size remain similar? That was because they suffered huge losses. Even with good equipment, they suffered deaths.

When they were ambitious, their battle targets increased, so casualties were unavoidable.

God Hall was different. Their main mission wasn’t to hunt to get crystals and materials. It was to protect God Hall. Apart from that, it was to collect mutated lifeforms the researchers needed.

The number and intensity of fights couldn’t compare with Cloud Peak.

Even then, they fired anesthesia bullets when they hunted and sent beasts to fight. All they did was cheer on the sides.

How could such warriors compare with Cloud Peak, who had gone through the flames of battle?

So, although they had the numbers advantage and had beasts, in a four-versus-one situation, Cloud Peak lost 300, but they lost five hundred. That included different-leveled beasts.

When Mo Ye brought an even stronger thousand-man team here, the god Hall warriors considered retreating.

Mo Ye didn’t hold back. She ordered Shengyuan to retreat, and then a van showed itself behind the team.

It was the modified Mobile Fortress!

God Hall’s base was huge, and the insides were wide enough for a van to pass. That was understandable; if the paths weren’t huge, it would be ha

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