Chapter 875- Crystal Machine Gun
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 875- Crystal Machine Gun


At the entrance to God Hall, Tong Hu held an illuminated metal rod and looked at the teen that a woman was holding up.

The woman nodded, “Lu Lan.”

Mo Ye, Sheng Yuan, Tong Hu, and Little Li’s gazes changed.

How did someone who should be dead come back alive?

In the competition death wheel, apart from those from Cloud Peak, only Doctor He paid a price before escaping. The others died, including Lu Lan. Without a Cloud Peak spy infiltrating God Hall, they wouldn't have found out.

After asking Ye Zhongming, Xia Lei and Liu Zhenghong discussed it. They felt like this person had a piece of equipment that could revive him. Either that or he had a special job or bloodline. There was another possibility, which was that God Hall was testing on him.

If it were the first two types, it wouldn’t be terrifying. Be it equipment or a job, this revival technique wouldn’t be unlimited and would have a limit. But if it was the third type, then this technique was something that even Liu Zhenghong didn’t have.

Two words: worth money!

Moreover, it was precious.

Xia Lei’s sneak attack on God Hall was because she was interested in their bio-tech skills. Although Liu Zhenghong was an expert in the field, her research focused on human genes. God Hall was amazing at modifying and nurturing mutated lifeforms. Cloud Peak envied those high-level mutated lifeforms. So Xia Lei was interested in them and prepared to launch this sneak attack.

Apart from that, the researchers and equipment here were targets.

Lu Lan was the third point.

No matter which era you were in, eternal life was a target. It was the same even in modern times. The proliferation of science and medicine told people that it was impossible, so people stopped trying to attain it.

But did people forget about it? No! In many hearts, people looked forward to it.

Humans were evolving in the apocalypse, and they showed humans another way to fulfill this wish. They definitely wouldn’t give up on this opportunity.

Xia Lei didn’t want eternal life; she didn’t chase tha

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