Chapter 876- God Hall's strongest product
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 876- God Hall's strongest product

A guy in a mask crossed his arms as he looked at the battle below. Moments later, he turned and left with four people behind him.

“Manager, we are leaving like this? We can fight them! The seeds in Beast Garden have been activated. With Pink Ball, even if that red-haired zombie is level seven, we won’t lose!”

The oldest of the three guys was unwilling, and he said it hurriedly.

“Right, Manager, we have invested huge sums in this, and it has been our heart’s work for so many years. Are we abandoning it like that? Rebuilding any of the three labs will be complicated; it is a waste.”

The only girl also tried to get the guy to change his thoughts. She didn’t think this sneak attack could take down God Hall.

“We have no chance. If we resist, it will only increase our losses.”

The guy smiled as if this wasn’t his territory.

The four behind him looked at each other and didn’t understand what he meant.

“We have been infiltrated. There wasn’t much movement because Cloud Peak wanted our stuff. If not, this place would have been blown up.”


That woman still wanted to speak, but the manager interrupted her, “Are our researchers on the vehicle?”

“They are; those on the name list have been brought away.” The woman hesitated but still asked, “Professor He’s lab…”

“It doesn’t belong to us anymore.” The manager’s voice was so calm that you couldn’t decipher his intention. It was as if the deputy manager's betrayal, Professor He, didn't mean much.

“I felt like this fellow changed since he returned. I didn’t expect him to dare to betray us. Manager, I will go kill him!”

The manager stopped and turned around. He aimed the mask with exquisite flower patterns at his subordinate.

“He has transformed into a beast and isn’t human anymore. He is a monster with a human face and snake body. He is already eight stars, so can you defeat him?”

That subordinate stuttered before saying, “I can’t, but manager can!”

Although they didn’t know if the manager had reached eight-star evolved, they were sure he could defeat Professo

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