Chapter 877- Death embrace
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 877- Death embrace

Red Hair’s hands moved when the four lasers appeared. Those vines moved randomly along with the movement of her hands.

But the lasers were too quick. After firing, they hit the vines. The vines that even those tough, pink tails couldn’t break were sliced. The laser continued to charge at Red Hair.

The long hair that had reached her knee height flipped over and formed a spiral-shaped ‘door’ in front of Red Hair.

The laser hit that door and gave off an eye-catching light.

The door opened, and the long hairs had obvious scorch wounds. But the terrifying lasers were blocked.

The pink ball saw that its attacks were blocked, so it screamed. The tails retracted, and when they attacked again, they formed a drill. All the tips of the tails were combined to thrust at Red Hair.

It was as quick as lightning.

Red Hair retracted all her vines. They tangled together to form a spike flower, which bloomed in front of her before the drill hit.

This time, there wasn’t any bright light or giant explosion. But the clash made one tremble.

It was as if numerous branches and fur balls were being condensed in a small space before exploding. When their powers clashed, the vines and the tails exploded, and fresh blood splattered, filling the entire basketball court-sized space.

These things hit the metal walls and were left deep inside. The blood and liquid could even leave fingernail-deep holes!

Even if they were level six, those zombie corpses were turned into porcupines by these things.

The two lifeforms weren’t in a good state either.

The reason why the Pink Ball had the name was because of its beautiful, gentle, and bright fur. Now, it was uneven. Some areas were bald as there was no fur left. One eye was turned into a blood hole, and some bright pink liquid flowed out.

Red Hair was in an even worse state. Although she tried to defend herself, the attacks on this level eight lifeform were too strong. All her vines were broken, and the remaining ones that were connected to her body hung low.

Although her body wasn’t turned

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