Chapter 878- Ying City is lost
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 878- Ying City is lost

Honestly, Red Hair couldn’t dodge. Her injuries meant she could only hope her attacks could kill this monster quickly.

The vine tubes absorbed Pink Ball’s energy. Red Hair felt better and better, but time was not enough.

Pink Ball’s mouth was covered with sharp teeth. One could imagine how their body would be shattered when the mouth closed.

The battle happened too quickly. Brainchild that went to get help was not even back yet.

This was the first time Red Hair felt helpless. Liquid flowed out of her eyes, and those familiar yet foreign scenes appeared in her mind. She couldn’t understand whether or not it was blood or tears from her eyes.

The smelly mouth swallowed Red Hair’s head, but the pain she had expected didn’t arrive. There was only some sharp stabbing pain and stickiness.

Red Hair then heard some noises.

“Sister Red Hair, Sister Red Hair!”

Red Hair felt the Pink Ball being pulled from the back, but she couldn’t see what was happening. She could only hear many voices. One familiar scent came from Mo Ye.

Brainchild brought Mo Ye and the others over. When it saw these scenes, it was shocked.

It was just a brain bug. Although it occupied this kid’s body, its strength even broke through some restrictions and could evolve, but it was still that weak bug.

It was famous in Cloud Peak, Ying City, and even the surrounding regions. More people knew what it was, and without Red Hair’s protection, even Ye Zhongnming might split it up and consume it to increase his mental energy.

It was only alive because Red Hair was alive. If Red Hair died, although it might not die, but it would have to live a life of hiding.

Who would be so foolish to give up on such a life of bliss and safe evolution?

So when it saw that Red Hair was still alive, Brainchild was happy.

But when it saw Red Hair’s eyes, even Mo Ye was shocked.

Two streaks of blood tiers hung on her beautiful face.

“I am fine. Wait for me.”

Red Hair stopped speaking after saying those words. Only then did they see the vine tubes stuck into this unkno

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