Chapter 878.5- Ying City is lost (2)
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 878.5- Ying City is lost (2)

“They have retreated from Five Gold Street!”

A guy covered in blood ran over and said towards Sha Sha, who had a solemn expression.

He wouldn’t speak to her like that at usual times. She was Cloud Peak’s spokesperson, Ye Zhongming’s eyes and ears. Everyone would try to get in her good books and definitely wouldn’t shout at her.

But what happened during these two days meant that no one from Ying City cared.

Two days ago, when Cloud Peak was covered by red mist, Sha Sha started organizing her people to delay and wipe out those mutated lifeforms. She didn’t know what had happened, but she executed the order.

Things were okay at the start. Although everyone didn’t know what was happening, Cloud Peak told them about it and gave them the highest rewards. As long as they helped Cloud Peak stop the mutated lifeforms or entered the mountain to help defend, they would receive payment!

What was Cloud Peak’s highest reward? That included evolution potions, a set of average equipment, and a job or skill scroll!

This meant that after this battle, those who gained rewards would get a level higher and could at least get five white pieces of equipment and a new job or ability.

They would get much stronger.

The higher their levels, the more attractive this bounty was. When you reached a certain level, evolution potions were more challenging to obtain. Especially levels four and five evolved when they got the news; they headed to Cloud Peak immediately.

Everyone knew Cloud Peak was anxious and even ordered the surrounding factions to assist. They mentioned that if they didn’t help, they would be cleared out after all this. It had to be an extreme danger for Cloud Peak to say such things.

But these evolved weren’t afraid. They were already used to the danger and confident in Cloud Peak.

Time after time, it has been proven that people who trust Cloud Peak will be rewarded. Those who don’t trust them will regret it.

So, over 60% of those in Ying City rushed to Cloud Peak. The remaining ones weren’t persuaded by Sha Sha to s

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