Chapter 879- Top Soul Refining Technique
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 879- Top Soul Refining Technique

My world ends up like this?

Ye Zhongming kept silent for a while to digest what he meant.

He knew that this person wouldn’t find him for no reason. The mysterious but powerful chains gave him a clear answer.

This person wanted to work with him but didn’t know what.

If Ye Zhongming decided not to work together, he would just leave, and this person wouldn’t be able to do anything to him. But if he wanted to work together, then he had to listen.

Didn’t he work so hard and risk his life after reviving to get an answer? This was a great chance to understand the truth.

“Talk about it.”

Although his reply was simple, it made the three-legged man laugh.

Time passed. Ye Zhongming’s expression changed several times when he heard him speak.

He understood many things.

For example, Blue Secret Realm’s history, why it ended up like this, why there were demon crystals, and why it ended up unstable.

He knew where Posthumous people came from and knew what kind of organization Saint Light Hall was. He also knew what was inside Night Demon Plain’s cursed abyss.

Based on what this person said, Blue Secret Realm was attacked before, and it was still by the Slave Race. But they didn’t toss that zombie virus; instead, they sent many monsters,, the demon monsters here.

The humans got stronger and had many wars with the demon monsters. The strong energy clashes nearly destroyed this world. Although the world didn’t turn to nothingness, it ended like this. It became unstable, and maybe one day it would explode.

“Why are they turning places into hell?”

This was something Ye Zhongming didn’t understand. There wasn’t love or hate without any reason. Everything needed a reason or motive.

So why did the Slave Race do this?

“Sorry, I don’t know about this because I have not reached the height to know that answer.”

His eyes opened wide. This three-legged man was so strong, but he hadn’t reached that height. Then who reached it?

“Maybe my ancestors could, which was the expert that caused the Slave Race to attack personally.”


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