Chapter 857- One sided battle
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 857- One sided battle

The ammo in the Exquisite Floating Ball’s system was used on Earth; all that was left were just skills after Ye Zhongming turned it into a piece of equipment.

However, due to the damage, it stopped after charging into these cavaliers. Although it killed hundreds of people, it lost momentum.

The Exquisite Floating Ball wouldn’t have stopped if it still had its ammo. It would have attacked the cavaliers in front of it, blowing them into the sky.

However, due to the damage from the light strike and the lack of ammo, the equipment that was repaired a few days ago broke down once again.

Hong Xiang stared at the halberds that were thrust at them through the video feed; fear rose in his heart.

The Light Saint Hall’s name was too loud.

But before he could do anything, Ye Zhongming pulled his arm and said something that terrified him.

“Go out and kill them!”

His injuries hadn’t recovered!

Hong Xiang cried deep down. Fortunately, his high position meant he had some restraint and didn’t shout those cowardly words out.

But the entrance to Exquisite Floating Ball had opened.

Two people jumped out.

That shocked the Light Cavaliers. Ye Zhongming was a foreign face, but they had seen Hong Xiang before in the portraits of previous wars. They were momentarily stunned when they just saw him, but a craze appeared in their eyes.

Hong Xiang! It is a king!

The geniuses of Saint Light Hall competed in terms of skill. Whoever was stronger received more attention, and whoever was a genius received more attention.

What about those ordinary warriors? They couldn't reach the advanced evolved levels even if they reached level five or six.

They didn’t have enough resources.

You could learn battle techniques for free when you entered their army system. Some teachers would teach them, cultivators, to lead them, and they would also get some medicines and equipment.

Every warrior could reach level four if one weren’t too bad. The slightly talented would reach level five, and the better ones might reach level six.

But that was the

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