Chapter 858- Ignite
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 858- Ignite

Xia Lei stood before a red mist.

After traveling for a few days, she arrived at the destination with the army.

The journey was treacherous.

It wasn’t the evolved from other factions that tried to sneak attack them but there were many evolved lifeforms along the way.

Hordes of zombies and beasts, as well as mutated plants and animals.

Xia Lei had sent people to scout the area to occupy this dungeon. There were so many evolved lifeforms because someone had drawn them over.

Although humans were now experienced enough to deal with these wandering fellows, it was just some tactics. There would definitely be accidents, and the outcome often depends on luck.

As a result, the 20 thousand army suffered from 2000 losses.

How could Xia Lei be happy when she had suffered such huge losses?

Moreover, over a hundred of them were nurtured by her personally.

She was filled with hatred as she couldn’t find any clues as to who did this and had no choice but to swallow this loss. Her personality was even fiercer than Ye Zhongming but she had no choice.

But she felt much better when she thought back to how Little Tiger and Mo Ye had already attacked.

Although she wasn’t sure that the people who did this were Glory Army or God Hall, but she would treat it as such. She would use their blood as a sacrifice for the 2000 dead.

“Are you ready?”

Xia Lei turned her head and said to the deputy behind her.

“Ready. Everyone has consumed the potion that Candy crafted and the Silver Box Grenades have been distributed.”

Xia Lei nodded, “What about the demon crystal cannons?”

“They are assembled and can be used at any moment.”

“Okay, inform Bai Feng that we are heading in!”

She led them through the red mist, which was the Chaos Barrier, and entered the dungeon.


There was a girl sitting on a rock with a black cat in her arms. Under the moonlight, she looked alive.

Her snow-white arms were revealed outside. They were so tender that they made people jealous. The skin was smooth and baby-like.

The black

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