Chapter 856- Exquisite Floating Ball vs Light Cavalier
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 856- Exquisite Floating Ball vs Light Cavalier

The Saint Light Hall Cavalry Squad were only righteous to themselves. The Posthumous people were just evil, which is why this world was unstable.

So they didn’t feel bad when killing these weaklings. They would even feel honored that they were fighting for their god.

No matter how disciplined an army was, it would have times when it was relaxed.

After they entered the Posthumous people's land, they faced little resistance. Saint Light Hall chose such a time to attack the Posthumous people who weren’t prepared and couldn’t organize any resistance. The tribes that hadn’t walked out of the toughness of winter all faced destructive blows.

Victory was in front of them.

But today, when they were planning to return to their camp with the joy from all the killing, the attack arrived.

They started to use their skills. Even if their formation was a little chaotic due to their carelessness, they entered battle mode the moment they noticed the enemy. Their legs rode their Blood Qilin Foals and lined up.

Five hundred people moved as one.

At the same time, the five hundred halberds thrust toward the sky and pointed at the thing that was landing.

Ye Zhongming, who was in the Exquisite Floating Ball, nodded.

This was an army.

What he didn’t know was that the hearts of the cavaliers were shocked.

What… Was that?

The Exquisite Floating Ball descended, and the giant ball filled their eyes. They didn’t know what it was, so even if they had good mentalities, they suffered a blow.


They raised their halberds, and light condensed at the tips.


This cavalier army started to move towards the Exquisite Floating Ball. They picked up speed. Although there were only 500 of them, that aura was no different from thousands of horses.

Ye Zhongming squinted his eyes.

They are charging?

Typically speaking, cavalry was used to charging, but this wasn’t the cold weapons era cavalry. This was another civilisation and these cavaliers were all evolved. They didn’t have to charge.

Since they did that, they wanted to… Fig

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