Chapter 855- Preparing a meeting gift
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 855- Preparing a meeting gift

Saint Light Hall was a religion, so everyone firmly believed in the cause.

Belief was worthy of respect and was the cornerstone of many societies.

But after going through the apocalypse, Ye Zhognming knew some information. He knew that those gods were just murderers in different realms!

He scoffed at such gods.

But he wouldn’t underestimate people and armies with such faith.

That was because they would be much better fighters than ordinary people.

“Saint Hall Cavalier Squad. Looking at the mark, it should be their Bright Cleansing Division, around 500 of them.”

Hong Xiang looked at the clear video. He said those things, but his heart was in shock.

For a race that relied on torches to light their nights to see a technological product. He might be a level eight king, but he would also be shocked if he were a level nine expert.

Two different civilizations clashed; the power could not be described with words.

Saint Light Hall understood the Posthumous people, and the Posthumous people understood Saint Light Hall. They might not understand them as much, but they had some information about most things.

For example, their army system.

Three days had passed since Cloud Peak Alliance had set off. At the start, Hong Xiang was searching for opportunities to flee, but when he crossed the mountain and saw a Saint Light Hall army traveling, he calmed down.

He knew that it wasn’t the time.

Even if he had never treated the other tribes as humans, when he saw the army sweeping the camp and leaving corpses, sadness rose in his heart.

He knew that Ye Zhongming was right. Saint Light Hall was here to wipe them out. During the previous few wars, they didn’t wipe out small tribes with a few hundred people.

So, he became very well-behaved and told Ye Zhongming everything he knew. His heart was leaning fully toward working with Ye Zhongming.

Saint Light Hall had found their way here, and there was no room for negotiation. If they worked together, they could have one more ally. If they didn’t, would Ye Zhongming join the o

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