Chapter 854- Working together
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 854- Working together

Hong Xiang gulped.

Honestly, at his current age, he wouldn’t fantasize because of words from someone. He might even kick the person who dared say such things to him if he was fine.

Things were different now. The person who said it to him was the expert who badly injured him with one move. It was a super genius that crossed many levels within a hundred days.

Hong Xiang had to think carefully about it.

He grasped his life, and he had to pay attention to him. This was his current mentality.

But after thinking about it, his heart started to heat up.

Although he knew that it wasn’t too possible, just imagine. What if it happened, then…

But the pain he was feeling pulled him back to reality, and he decided to ignore this fantasizing kid.

Right, this fellow was strong and talented. He also had magical powers and also came from another world.

So what? It didn’t mean that he was invincible. Before meeting Light Saint Hall, he would never know how terrifying they were. They were killing machines. The Posthumous people had so many more people than them and had several folds more warriors.

But why couldn’t they win?

Equipment, individual standards, overall standards, battle tactics, strategy, etc. They were being suppressed. Even if they fought on their own land, they were forced back.

Saint Light Hall’s invincible image was deep in their souls. Even the king thought that way.

Ye Zhongming squinted and observed as his expression changed. He guessed his thoughts, but he didn’t care. He took out the demon energy crystal gun and fired at the wall. Moreover, this time, he didn’t hide the purple glow from the weapon.

Hong Xiang’s head could turn. He tilted his head and was shocked.

The wall seemed fine, but the deep marks and the color terrified him.

Seconds later, pieces of stone started to drop, and a big hole appeared.

The demon energy crystal gun and lightning energy shocked Hong Xiang.

This wasn’t it. Ye Zhongming flicked his fingers, and a crystal cannon was pushed in. It fired right beside Hong Xiang’s ears.

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