Chapter 853- Cloud Peak heading out
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 853- Cloud Peak heading out

It had been a long time since Ying City had been so busy. The last time was when Boss Ye led some Ying City elites away.

Many people were excited. They were naturally those who were chosen to attack the dungeon.

The last group that visited the center city returned much stronger and richer which drew many people’s envy.

You could get rich if you followed Boss Ye. Although Boss Ye wasn’t leading the team, it was still Cloud Peak’s operation. The leader was the famous Sister Lei! This was the same as Boss Ye personally leading the troops.

So when news spread, many people still signed up even if they were heading to the terrifying dungeon.

Nobody was a fool. Would Cloud Peak head there if they didn’t have confidence?

This was a good job.

As for death, what wouldn’t result in death nowadays? If you headed out to pee, you might get bitten by a zombie.

Registration and selection to the final expedition. The numbers increased. Including three thousand from Cloud Peak, the total number of evolved reached 20 thousand!

But this wasn’t much compared to the number of people in Ying City who had evolved. Most of them didn’t have the right to follow.

In a patch of sighs and envy, the team from Ying City split into four groups before heading out.

Two ordinary-looking evolved stood there and squinted as they watched Cloud Peak leave. Envy and greed flashed in their eyes.

To them, they had seen Cloud Peak warriors. They were the faction with the highest average equipment level. It was as if silver was free. But people were still fighting for white equipment in other areas.

“Xia Lei is in the team.”

“Park Xiuying, too.”

The two of them spoke one after another and recognized the two focus of attention in the group. They knew that these two were the core of Cloud Peak. One was Ye Zhongming’s woman, the second in command of Cloud Peak, and Ye Zhongming’s other brain.

The other was a strong healer with many solo and group healing skills, the healer that many factions envied.

“Seems like they are moving out.”

A slightly

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