Chapter 847.5- Flame Tiger Operation (5)
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 847.5- Flame Tiger Operation (5)

Xia Lei squinted and looked at the core members, excitedly leaving to prepare. No one knew what she was thinking.

Mo Ye walked to her side and opened her mouth, “Sister Lei, we came back together, but why didn’t I hear about Zhongming’s plan?”

Xia Lei wasn’t shocked and smiled, “Can’t it be that we talked about this in bed?”

Mo Ye’s face flushed red, and she rolled her eyes at Xia Lei. She was worried, “Sister Lei, why are you doing this?”

Xia Lei didn’t deny it and looked at the golden Cloud Peak in the setting sun, “No matter what, we have been relying on Zhongming. Although he is getting stronger, there are more of us.”

“Without us, how strong would he be able to get?”

Mo Ye was silent. She knew that Cloud Peak would risk their lives for Zhongming no matter the time. But he had to use his resources on his subordinates.

If he was alone, he might be able to develop better. This was a common consensus that made everyone grateful to him.

“He didn’t give any instructions when he left, but that doesn’t mean we can’t work hard.” Her voice was cold, “If we get stronger slightly, the pressure on him will reduce. All of us are willing to do this, even if we have to face a strong enemy.”

Mo Ye nodded, “Of course I am willing. Cloud Peak members are willing too.”

“Right, we are all willing. But if we use Zhongming’s name, their confidence will increase. His name had become their faith. It isn’t too much for me to just use it; he is my guy. Even if he blames me, he will just smack my butt. It isn’t like he hadn’t done it before.”

Mo Ye was initially slightly touched, but her expression collapsed as it continued. This old captain was so shameless.

“Many foreigners have appeared in Ying City.”

Hearing Xia Lei’s change in tone, Mo Ye frowned. Although she was calm, there weren’t any nice people in the apocalypse. Officer Mo, who cared about justice previously, now uses Cloud Peak’s interests to value things.

Whoever dared to touch their cake was an enemy. Much less these enemies who were scouting.

“I don’t know w

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