Chapter 848- We meet again
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 848- We meet again

“Join us? You have decided?”

Ye Zhongming spent the few days sitting in the Exquisite Floating Ball and crafting. When he heard that Candleroom was looking for him and discovered that he had made his choice, he wasn’t surprised.

“Right, I have decided to join Cloud Peak Alliance and serve your tribe and you.”

Candleroom thought he would feel humiliated when he said those words, but in truth, he felt slightly uncomfortable.

This shocked him, but when he thought about it, he understood.

As the leader, he knew the Candleroom tribe’s exact situation. Although the tribe wouldn’t die in a few years, they would definitely weaken.

Candleroom thought that such a situation wouldn’t happen to his tribe but after winters passed, everything started to change.

The reality brought him back to his senses.

He knew that he had to find a way out for his tribe. If not, all that would happen to them would be destruction.

He didn’t expect an opportunity to come so quickly in the past. Things were too sudden, such that he couldn’t accept it.

But now that he did, he decided to join this guy’s team, where the guy would provide food and drinks, top equipment, and constantly create miracles.

He knew that the guy would agree, and he didn’t hide his background during these few days of traveling.

Candleroom was smart and knew that he didn’t hide this because he was purposefully revealing information to him.

The goal was to tell him that he came from another world.

Right, another world. This was something that Candleroom couldn’t imagine in the past.

But he accepted it quickly. These people’s bodies showed many features that were different from those of Posthumous people.

“You know my relationship with the Imperial City is bad, right? Do you still want to join? If you nod, it means you are going against your faith. Think carefully. We treat friends and our own two people differently, and we will be stricter with our people.”

Ye Zhongming placed the armor in his hands down and said slowly.

Candleroom’s eyes were filled with hesi

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Novel Notes

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