Chapter 848.5- We meet again (2)
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 848.5- We meet again (2)

“Miya, what are you doing?”

Ah Tao pulled Miya back, his voice wasn’t loud, but his tone was filled with rage.

He knew Miya and Ye Zhongming’s relationship. If anything happened to her, even if Ye Zhongming returned, Cloud Peak Alliance wouldn’t have the right to follow him. Ah Tao definitely wouldn’t let that happen.

“Don’t be stubborn and stay behind. Before the guys die, women don’t have to fight!”

Mountain Bank and Grey Mountain were experienced and wouldn’t believe Hong Xiang’s words. If they chose to surrender, they wouldn’t be the only ones that died. The entire tribe would be buried with them.

Miya bit her lips and said softly, “Ye is my guy. He didn’t protect the tribe so I need to help him complete this. If I can’t do it, but if I can survive for a breath, I can buy time for everyone. Maybe Ye would be back.”

Seeing this determined lady, the three leaders and people around were touched. They didn’t expect her to be so determined.

They followed Ye Zhongming because of their interests and because he could give them the resources and life that the Imperial City couldn’t. He could even lead them out of this world about to collapse.

But they wouldn’t fight to the death if they had another choice.

Be it Earth or the Blue Secret Realm, nobody was noble.

But they respected Miya’s actions. As long as she was willing, everyone could protect her because she was all their hope.

But now, she wanted to fight the enemy. Her heart touched everyone.

“King? Today, I will face this king and see how much stronger these rulers are!”

“Grey Mountain, Mountain Bank, let’s go together. There is no reason to let our ladies die before us.”

The improvements over these days were activated.

Grey Mountain and Mountain Bank looked at him and laughed. They walked beside him.

“Let’s go fight Hong Xiang. Let them see how determined we are!”

Posthumous people were hot-blooded. After hearing their leaders’ oaths, they shouted emotionally. They charged into the tunnel with the three leaders and battled with the Imperial City’

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Novel Notes

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